
Creating earth-aware and humanitarian-minded clothing while paying forward ALL after-tax profits to organizations that directly empower people in need of basic human rights.



As a registered Benefit Corporation, we provide:


- Cultural Preservation of indigenous textile manufacturing and dyeing.

Much of our textiles are authentic, traditional, and direct from Thailand with consent, acknowledgement, and

requested compensation to the artist communities that created them.


- Humanitarian and Environmental Responsibility in production and supply chains.

Our clothing is proudly made in Thailand in a family owned and run facility practicing Fair Trade principals.

All designs are created in house, fabrics are chosen in person, and we oversee each and every

garment and production run ourselves... no fast fashion here.

-Social Impact through financial support of the communities where we do business.

A direct donation of 15% of your purchase goes to our foundation and aids with financial support of a few shelters and clinics

in the areas where we do business.  This has been our commitment since we began making clothing in 2011 and will always be our mission.
