From service, then on to fundraising, and now clothing, we are in the business of helping people thrive.
Financial Support for Flood Displaced Families
2024 saw some of the worst flooding in the past 50 years for South East Asia. Chiang Mai, where we design and produce our clothing, as well as where our charitable support goes, was inundated not once but twice over the course of 2 weeks. The Sisters at Wildflower Home asked for a one time donation in order to buy linens, food, and other important supplies so that they could house displaced families in need. (2024)
Sustainability in the Garden
Anyone who has ever had a garden knows that it is a constant work in progress. Because of basic wear and tear, flooding damage, and a problem with predators, The Transient Foundation was asked to support a few much needed garden projects. We were able to repair and renovate 2 of the geese and chicken enclosures, landscape trenches to allow for proper drainage and irrigation, as well as add drainage pipes and repair a section of wall that had fallen into the geese pond. (2024, Wildflower Home Women's Shelter)
Statehood for Political Refugees
In 2019, we achieved citizenship for a Political Refugee - a Father named Mechai. Now, our goal is for his 3 daughters to receive the same. Thanks to financial energy from our clothing sales from 2023, the lengthy process has begun and will continue until these three teenagers are full citizens of the only country they have ever known. More soon as the process continues! (2023-2024).
COVID-19 Relief for Karen State Villages
2020 has been a rough one for most of us. Even remote areas across the world have seen difficulties from the outbreak. During a checkup with our connections on the Thai / Myanmar border, a request was made to support preventative measures during the second wave of Coronavirus outbreak in the Karen State of Eastern Myanmar. Ten remote villages were in need of medical grade fabric to make masks, cleaning supplies, and infrared thermometers. As The Transient Foundation has supported this area with medical trainings and supplies since 2019, we were happy to continue that support.
3000 Villagers were supported with proper protective equipment, training, and enough medical supplies to help combat the spread of COVID-19. Here, Karen school children were taught why and how to wear a mask properly (Fall 2020).
Border Health Staff Trainings
In 2019, The Transient Foundation began the important support of 6 health clinics in the Karen State on the Myanmar / Thai border. This is an isolated region that has no infrastructure and few amenities. Just 16 years ago, this remote area suffered the world's worst malaria numbers according the World Health Organization. Thanks to the work of many volunteers and motivated villagers, life is now much more safe. These 6 clinics send their staff to the main clinic, pictured above, once or twice per year for two week seminars to refresh basic health and first aid teachings. The pictures above are from the January 2020 training. Your clothing purchases were able to cover all travel, housing, food, instructional material, and a gift for each participant and instructors. Thank you, from a world away, for loving our clothing. When you do that, people's lives are saved. (2020)
New Health Clinic Bathrooms
Supporting Health Education in one of the most remote areas of Thailand is a very worthy task. We were honored to provide the spread of knowledge for peoples health. However, when we saw the state of the only bathroom for 30 people to share for 2 weeks at a time, we were likewise honored to help that situation just the same. After those nurses made the trek across the jungle, some of them walking for days, we hope there was at least a little bit of relief when they came upon new bathrooms at the clinic. (Fall 2019)
Educational Scholarships for a Migrant Family
For several years, we were blessed with the opportunity to provide educational scholarships for four daughters and a son in a family of political refugees. After fleeing another country due to oppression, the family ended up in Northern Thailand. It was a trying time for the family; uncertainty like you and I wouldn't know. We are happy to announce that the father was able to achieve legal status and the family is supporting themselves financially! They have even purchased a new piece of land and are currently building a house. Thank you for those who have reached out to us in support this young family! (2017-2019)
Replace Water Main, Pumps, and Tanks for the working and living areas of Wildflower Home Women's Shelter
Where there is no water, there is no life... When we heard the news that the water main had busted at Wildflower Home Women's Shelter, quick action could not have come quick enough. Thankfully, money from your purchase of our clothing was able to immediately fix the problem! No glorious pictures of smiling people here... but trust me, they were happy! And aren't those tanks pretty! (Summer 2019)
Statehood for Political Refugees
The man who built Wildflower Home.
Fleeing on foot, chased by communists, a bounty on his head, this man left oppression with his family to find a better life in Thailand. Finally, legal documents have been achieved and he is living as a free man in Thailand. The Transient Design was able to assist financially through a long and arduous time of turmoil and uncertainty. (2017-2019)
Leveling and Prepping for the Foundation of the New Women’s Quarters
In 2017, Wildflower Home Women's Shelter began the ambitious project of a new building to house the women. This would end up being the largest project to date, requiring massive amounts of work, time, and money from many different donors and volunteers. The fundraiser began and The Transient Design jumped on board with the first of many large donations to make this project happen. We put together $2000 from the sale of our clothing to get the project started by bringing in dirt, leveling the ground, and then preparing the foundation for the building.
The new building now offers large bedrooms with private bathrooms, open living areas, and large windows. This place is nice! (Fall 2017)
Sustainability and Education in the Garden. Wildflower Home Mushroom Grow
When asked what the current need was, "Mushrooms" was the answer. Our continued support of sustainability in the garden became the purchase of several hundred mushroom canisters. This project eventually generated income of around $30USD per day as well as teaching valuable business experience to one women who oversaw the project herself. (Fall 2017)
Raise the Roof of the Nursery for More Air-Flow. Wildflower Home Women’s Shelter
Thailand is... well, hot. The nursery building at Wildflower Home Women's Shelter was just the 2nd permanent structure built more than 15 years ago. During the hot season, the temperature sometimes felt unbearable. At the request of the Shelter, we were able to fund a project that literally "raised the roof", adding for more airflow for a more tolerable hot season (2016).
Rebuild the Damaged Chicken Coop, Wildflower Home Women’s Shelter
During the rainy season, a powerful storm destroyed the chicken coup at Wildflower Home Women's shelter. This is one of the few buildings in the garden, and one that is vital for the continued sustainability of food production. With your support of our clothing, we were able to clear the damaged coup and build a better building (2015).
Salary Assistance for Executive Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator Wildflower Home
In 2014, at a request from the shelter, The Transient Foundation supported financially to help cover payroll for the Director's Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator position (June-October 2014)
Wildflower Home Women's Shelter women and children, along with volunteers and staff, standing in front of the playground and nursery.
Start with the Foundation. Repairing a failing wall and patio in front of Wildflower Home.
Sometimes you're asked for something that you are just not sure you can provide. This was certainly the case in the Summer of 2014, when the new Director of Wildflower Home asked if The Transient Foundation could oversee the construction of 80' of wall and patio that was slowly falling into the canal.
As you can see from the photos above, the damage was in need of attention. The workers at the shelter were not sure if the coming rainy season flooding would finally bring the wall down.
All hands on deck for a build that took over a month to complete. Staff and volunteers alike came together for a most monumental project. Special thanks to Michael Lente, a friend of a friend of Wildflower Home, who spent weeks with us as an impromptu volunteer for the project.
Thanks to your purchases of our clothing, the wall still stands today, without cracks or need for repair (2014).